サウスベイストリートマシンズ株式会社 代表 石垣 友康
Happy new year everyone. We just wanted to say thank you for all of my customers, friends, family and all of you who just have been checking our website and blog 2011. Thanks to you all, we moved to bigger, 2400 sqft warehouse in Gardena, California last April and shipped some 40 ft conteiner with hundreds of motorcycles from here. We continue for having more inventory and serving better service 2012 as well. We are really looking forward to do business with you in the near future.
Best regards,
Tomo Ishigaki
Owner of South Bay Street Machines Inc.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
1969 Triumph T120 Bonneville
マッチングナンバー 実働ですがキャブのオーバーホール、シリンダーヘッドのオーバーホールをお勧めします(白煙が出ます。下記の動画を参考にして下さい。試乗しましたが正常に吹け上がりませんでした)。
左サイドカバー欠品。 オイル漏れは一晩に1,2滴くらいでした。$6300現状。
こちらです To see other pics, click here
Matching numbers and clean California title in hand. Runs but needs curburator and cylinder head rebuild. Missing left side cover. Very little oil leak from motor like one or two drips per night. The bike is loaded into a conteiner which heading up to Nagoya, Japan. $6300 as is.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
We have loaded 15 bikes, 1 motorcycle trailer and parts into 40' conteiner which heading up to Nagoya, Japan. We managed to ship last conteiner of 2011 thanks to our costomer who purchased our bikes and ordered the parts in the conteiner. This conteiner is scheduled to depart from port of Long Beach on Jan. 1st, 2012.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
1973 XLCH
マッチングナンバー ケイヒンキャブ 敷地内にて試乗確認済み キックが少し軽いですが圧縮は前後OKでした。オイル漏れは一晩に2,3滴です。 $4800
こちらです To see other pics, click here
Matching #s and clean HD title in hand. Keihin curb. $4800 as is.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
We had unloaded our bikes and parts last Friday, December 2nd at HOT TRUCKS in Chita, Aichi. We appreciated for all of our customer who came down to pick up the bikes and parts at there and Hot trucks. We hope we can make one more 40' conteiner by the end of this year. Please let us know if anyone would like to ship any bikes or parts from California to Nagoya, Japan or any other countries.
Monday, November 28, 2011
1977 Yamaha XS650 Hardtail rigid
Matching #s, hardtailed stock frame TIG welded with stock length. Wiring and fuel lines need to be done to get the bike running. Oil leaking from the motor a few drops per night. We started to build the bike from stock running bike in the video below. Still in progress but if someone wants to buy the bike before finish, we offer $3950 as is.
Friday, November 18, 2011
1977 XLH ironhead hardtail
マッチングナンバー ケイヒンキャブ 発電していません。 試乗確認済み $5600
Runs but needs some TLC. Charging system is not working currently and some oil leak around primary cover. Sold as is $5600.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Good to go
Our 40' conteiner is heading up to Nagoya, Japan with 17 bikes, 1 motorcycle trailer and parts in it. We will update the schedule to pick up at the port of Nagoya after the conteiner arrive there.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Last minutes notice
We are planning to load the bikes and parts into conteiner on upcoming Monday, October 31st and will ship the conteiner to Nagoya, Japan. If you need any parts or bikes around us or in our stock, we still have a little space in the conteiner for you. We hope to hear from you soon.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
1950 Triumph 6T Thunderbird 650
650ccの鉄ヘッドです。BTHマグネトー 敷地内にて試乗確認済み。現状$9000
Up for sale is 1950 Triumph 6T Thunderbird. BTH magineto, runs good but need a new battery. Got a crack at the bottom of tranny mount. Typical oil leak, couldn't find a right engine case # and frame # (hopefuly the frame # is under powder coat). Have test ridden, clean CA title in hand. $9000 sold as is.
Monday, October 17, 2011
2005 Kendon Single Bike Trailer
$1800 折り畳み式 日本までの送料は$300(名古屋経由、東京経由は$550)です。
その他の画像はこちらです To see other pics, click here
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Good bye, summer
September 23rd at near Dodger Stadium.
August 13th at Down town San Francisco.
July 30th at somewhere in central California.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
80 ci (1340cc) Shovelhead top end for sale
1976年実働のFLHより取り外しました(下の動画の車両です)。 マフラー取り付けスタッドの修正をしようと外したところ、前回リビルト時にガイドが斜めに入っていたようなのでそのままガイド打ち換え等オーバーホールをしてまた車両に戻す予定でしたが1200ccの腰上一式が手に入ったので画像の1340ccの腰上一式は使用しませんでした。シリンダー、ピストンは取り外したままの状態です(.010オーバー)マフラースタッド部はフロント側のみヘリコイル修正しています。面研してありますが細かな傷は残っています。全てセットで$980です。
その他の画像はこちらです To see other pics, click here
A set of used top end for 80 cubic inch Harley Davidson Shovelhead up for sale. These are taken off from 1976 FLH (actual bike in the video above) and we were planning to rebuild the top end then put buck on the bike but found 74 cubic inch top end, so we just had machine shop to only rebuild these cylinder heads. We have nothing done for cylinders and those got .010 over. You can check other photos from the link at the end of the discription in Japanese. $980 as is.
Harley Davidson,
Motorcycle Parts
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Still in progress
未だに、、ですが、地味に工場、事務所の作業を進めています。 名古屋到着のコンテナは昨日無事に車両、部品の引き上げが完了しました。車両の陸送、部品の発送をお待ちのお客様は受け取りまで今しばらくお待ち下さい。 当日直接港までご足労頂きました方々ありがとう御座いました。 次回の名古屋向けコンテナは10月下旬または11月の積み込みを予定していますので部品、車両のオーダー等ありましたらお早めにお知らせ下さい。 よろしくお願いします。
We are still working on our office and warehouse set up (yes, it's been more than 3 months since we moved to this place). Finally, we almost done with interior of the office and 4 post lift installation. And yes, still need more work like build a loft storage avobe the office, 2 post lift installation and wiring...
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Pumps and misc.

Airzenith OB2コンプレッサー(ブラック、クローム各1個)35000円/個
Viair 444Cコンプレッサー(2個セット) 34000円/セット
Dakota Digital ODY-19-4-S-B 5センサー 400psi 文字ブルー 本体サテン 45000円/セット
AVS 7スイッチ(ブラック)9000円/個
DJM '84-'94トヨタ ドロップスピンドル 31500円
McGaughys '82-'03 S-10ドロップスピンドル 26000円
Air suspension,
Auto Parts,
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
1970 Triumph Tiger TR6R

オリジナルペイント マッチングナンバー オイル漏れが一晩に2,3滴あります。 多少ノイズも出ています。 敷地内にて試乗確認済み。スピードメーター、距離計は動きません。$6500
Original paint, matching number, last year before oil in frame. Leaking a couple drops of oil per night and slight noise from the motor. Heve test ridden but speedo and odo meter didn't work. $6500 as is.
こちらです To see other pics, click here
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Bags, bags, bags.

Firestone 267C 3/8 port 10,000円/個
224C 3/8 port 10,000円/個
Red Label(267C) 1/2 port 10,000円/個
Slam Specialties SS-6 1/2 port 9,500円/個
SS-7 1/2 port 9,500円/個
Thursday, August 18, 2011


Our container is heading up to Nagoya, Japan with 16 bikes and parts for motorcycle and auto. The container will be arrived at the port of Nagoya on the beginning of September and released from Japanese customs aroud middle of the month. Thank you for waiting.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
1979 Yamaha XS650 Hard tail

$3400 純正フレームにハードテイルを溶接してリジッドに加工してあります。実働ですがアイドリングが安定しないので調整が必要です。
ミクニキャブ ボイヤーイグニッション 前後18インチホイール ブレンボマスターシリンダー
Weld on hard tail with 18" front and rear wheel. It runs but needs curb adjust. Mikuni curb, Boyer ignition and Blenbo front master cylinder. Lighting system also needs to be wired. $3400 sold as is.
こちらです To see other pics, click here
Friday, August 5, 2011
1971 FX1200

$7800 少しガスが濃いと思いますが(温感時はかかりにくいです。冷間時もチョーク引かずにかかります)アイドリング、乗った感じも調子良く試乗確認済みです。オイル漏れはは一晩に数滴(クランクシールかケースの合い口、プライマリー周辺です。走行後は多少漏れる量が増えます)
ワイドグライド、21インチホイール フロントタイヤ新品 丸スイングアーム リヤ油圧ドラムブレーキ
$7800 obo sold as is. A bit rich on gas but runs great (have test ridden) slight oil leak, matching numbers, clear california title. Rear brake and clutch had been serviced about an year ago. Wide glide, 21" front wheel, brand new front tire. Bendix curb.
その他の画像はこちらです To see other pics, click here
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Getting ready for next container

We are planning to load our bikes to container for Nagoya, Japan around August 10th. Please let us know as soon as possible if you think about any bikes from our inventory list or other stuff. Email us to info@sbstreetmachines.com if you would like to check our latest inventory list out or want to cancel to receive our list by emailing.
Friday, June 24, 2011
1970 FLH Hard tail

マッチングナンバー ハードテイル加工 ミッドコントロール ジョッキーシフト オープンベルト 社外ピストン 社外カム $8900 オイル漏れはエンジン、ミッション共に一晩に2,3滴漏れます。
Matching #s, Hard tailed, Mid controls, Jocky shift, Open primary belt drive Aftermarket pistons, Aftermarket cam $8900 Slightly leaking oil from motor and tranny(a few dropps per night)
その他の画像はこちらです To see other pics, click here
Thursday, June 23, 2011

We drove down to Phoenix, AZ from here, Gardena, CA to pick up two bikes and one motorcycle lift table aroud there. The highest temperture was 106F and next day was 110F. One of these bike is going to Tokyo with three others we sold already.
Pick up & Delivery
Friday, June 17, 2011
1977 XLH Project

マッチングナンバー サルベージタイトル ピストン新品 クラッチ入っていません。 クランク回ります。$2500
Matching #s, Salvage title, New pistons, the motor turns over. $2500
その他の画像はこちらです To see other pics, click here
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Thank you for waiting.

Firestone 267c(3/8port) 11000円/個
Viair 444C(2個セット) 35000円/セット
McGaughys S-10ドロップスピンドル82-03 28000円
FXE Fuel tank 20000円
Our 40' conteiner is still on the way to the port of Nagoya, Japan. We loaded 16 motorcycles and 2 pallets of parts. The conteiner should arrive there on June 7th and will take a week or so to be released from Japanese customs. Thank you for waiting and we hope we can pick our stuff up sooner.
Air suspension,
Auto Parts,
Saturday, May 21, 2011
1976 FX1200

マッチングナンバー 実働 S&Sキャブ(E) S&Sヘッド 保安部品無し プライマリーカバーとトランスシール周辺からオイル漏れ有り 要スターターリレーと配線 $6500
Matching numbers. S&S curb(E), S&S cylinder heads. Some oil leak from around clutch and tranny seal. Needs starter relay and wiring. Sold as is $6500
その他の画像はこちらです To see other pics, click here
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Help wanted

勤務地: 621 W. Rosecrans ave #32 Gardena CA 90248
勤務時間:週3日~ 8時~22時の間で選択可能 1日3時間~
給与: $9~$16
その他: 試用期間30日
申し込み、質問等はinfo@sbstreetmachines.com または1-310-515-4732までお願いします。
We are seeking a part/full time worker to work in our shop in Gardena CA.
Job responsibilities:
-Order and receive motorcycle/auto parts.
-Create exporting documents and communicate with shipping company and our clients.
-Pick up motorcycles, cars and parts.
-Basic repair/replace parts for motorcycle/car.
-Load motorcycles,cars and parts into ocean conteiner.
Minimum/Preferred requirements
-Must be authorized to work in the U.S.
-Able to communicate in English.
-Basic computer skills(Word, Excel, emailing and uploading photo/video)
Location: Gardena CA 90248
Compensation: $9~$16(DOE)
Working hours: 3 days per week or more. Between 8 am to 10 pm(You can choose) 3 hours or more.
Note: 30 days trial
To apply or ask question, email us to info@sbstreetmachines.com or call us 1-310-515-4732.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
It's ready
Sunday, May 1, 2011
1968 XLCH w/ springer

マッチングナンバー Eキャブ 1000cc マグネトー バッテリーレス ネック多少寝かせてあります。実働ですが現在発電していません。一晩に1,2滴オイル漏れあります。走行後は多少漏れる量が増えます。走行中プライマリーカバーのボルト部(クラッチの上)からもオイルの滲みあります。現状 $5600
Matching #s, S&S super E curb and magneto. 1000cc. Raked neck. Runs great but leaking a couple drops oil leaking per night. Charging system is not working right now so needs some TLC. $5600 Sold as is.
その他の画像はこちらです To see other pics, click here
Thursday, April 28, 2011
1976 XLCH project

マッチングナンバー 21"フロントホイール フロントブレーキ無し ケイヒンキャブ 実動 オイル漏れは一晩に1,2滴程度ですが走行後は多少増えます。メーター、ウインカー、ホーン無し 暫く乗っていなかった車両なのでキャブ等調整、整備は必要です。チョークケーブル、リターンスプリング、エアクリーナー等欠品有り テールライトの配線は繋がっていません。 現状 $4500
Matching numbers. 21" front wheel, no front brake, Keihin curb. Runs good but haven't been ridden a while. Needs some parts such as choke cable, return spring and air cleaner. Sold as is, $4500
その他の画像はこちらです To see other pics, click here
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Little by little...

We are still middle of moving. Just bought an office trailer in Ventura then brought to our new location in Gardena. We managed to drag the office into our warehouse by a forklift and 2 pallet jacks after I took of the axles and hitch frame. Still needs interior work, wiring and painting but much better than before already.
I also would like to say thank you for all of you guys who helped to send some foods and donations to the devastated area of the massive earthquake in Japan. My 1996 Mazda pick up is still on the way to my friend who lives in that area. Not only him but also lot of victims still having difficult time and it takes years and years to recover their lives. Please don't forget about this tragic disaster is still going on including the nuclear powerplant issue. We would really appreciate it if you could keep thinking about it and help anything you can such as donation or buy something which is "Made in Japan".
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Nothing but praying...
Help Japan Facebook Page ヘルプジャパン フェイスブックページ
Pray for Japan Facebook page プレイフォージャパン フェイスブックページ
Redcross donation 赤十字 災害義援金
AviiQ Facebook page AviiQフェイスブックページ
Thank you for worrying and praying for Japan. As you can see, we, Japan is now facing the biggest natural disaster in this past 100 years. It's hard to find something to do except praying but I found one great facebook page which we can donate $1 by every 1 click "like" button on Aviiq facebook page (4th one above links and 3rd one is Redcross donation which we can donate by credit card). We really appreciate it if you could check the page out and click "like" button. Thanks again and we hope we will return the favor one day.
Help Japan Facebook Page ヘルプジャパン フェイスブックページ
Pray for Japan Facebook page プレイフォージャパン フェイスブックページ
Redcross donation 赤十字 災害義援金
AviiQ Facebook page AviiQフェイスブックページ
Thank you for worrying and praying for Japan. As you can see, we, Japan is now facing the biggest natural disaster in this past 100 years. It's hard to find something to do except praying but I found one great facebook page which we can donate $1 by every 1 click "like" button on Aviiq facebook page (4th one above links and 3rd one is Redcross donation which we can donate by credit card). We really appreciate it if you could check the page out and click "like" button. Thanks again and we hope we will return the favor one day.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Almost there.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
New in stock

1968XLCH $5600 レギュレーターもしくはジェネレーターの修理が必要なようです。
1980FXS 売約となりました。Sold.
1977FXS $6200 現在不動です。
1992 S10 $3800 2.8V6 5speed 110000miles AC要修理
Here are our new inventory bikes and a truck. These are just in and all of them need TLC but run except 1977FXS (It was also run when previouse owner stop riding). The price above may increase when we are done any repair or custom modification. Please let us know if you are interested in these bikes and truck. We will update more details, pics and video as soon as possible.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
My Ranger is featured in the magazine.
My 1991 Ford Ranger is featured in Mnitruckin' April 2011 issue. If you already got the magazine, you can find my truck in C.H.O.C cruise event report page.
Air suspension,
Show & Swapmeet,
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Air-Zenith OB2 compressors just in.

■ Voltage: 12V DC
■ Working Pressure: 200 PSI
■ Air Flow: 3.8 CFM @ 0 PSI
■ Duty Cycle: 100% @ 200 PSI
■ Max. Amp Draw: 35A
■ Motor: 3/4 HP
$389.99 for local.
その他の画像はこちらです To see other pics, click here
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Temporary moved.
We've temporary moved from previous location and been waiting for construction for our new location. Our new shop has bigger space and dock-high loading. We will update our moving and look forward to new place with next step for our business. Here is new address below:
621 W Rosecrans ave #32 Gardena CA 90248
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Jason's Chevy for sale

Street Trucks誌スタッフのジェイソンの97年Chevyが売りに出ました。
KPコンポーネンツ6リンク ファイアストンバッグ DJMドロップスピンドル エンジンドライブコンプレッサー 5ガロンエアタンクx2 ダコタエアゲージ
20”フロント 22"リヤ イントロビレットホイール Toyoタイヤ Bearブレーキ
GO EZ、プレシジョンサウンド、Kustoms Inc、Stitchcraft各社が製作に携わりました。
138000マイル $17500
“Flashback” Street Trucks cover truck
1997 Chevrolet Silverado
Anaheim, CA
August 2009 Street Trucks cover truck, built by GO EZ Customs, Precision Sound, Kustoms Inc, Line X, Stitchcraft
Suspension Mods: KP Components 6-link, Firestone bags, DJM drop spindle, engine driven compressor (EDC), 2-5 galloon air tanks, wheel tubs. Performed by GO EZ Customs. Dakota Digital guages/buttons.
Wheels: 20x8.5 and 22x10 Intro Magnum billet wheels and 255/35/20 and 285/30/22 Toyo Proxes 4 tires. Baer DecelRotor brakes.
Body Mods: Shaved door handles, tail lights, gas door, stake pockets, antenna, smooth wiper cowl, frenched in 59-inch CanDo LED bar, Sir Michael’s roll pan, smoothed Gaylord’s cover, red Line-X bed liner. Street Scene grille shell, wrap around billet insert. Painted House of Kolor Blue Blood Red with Orion Silver and red flames with pinstriping.
Interior: Smoothed and color matched dash, ’65 Corvair bucket seats, refoamed and wrapped in Enduratex vinyl leather, custom headliner, Impala SS center console, Swiss Audio system with 4-12 inch subwoofers, 2 1400watt amplifiers, 1 800watt 4-channel amp, EQ and capacitor, Alpine head unit. Colorado Custom steering wheel, billet goodies. Custom door panels with Big Al’s Carponent door opener/armrest. Viper alarm with remote window roll down/remote start module. New weatherstripping.
Motor: Doug Thorley headers, Flowmaster exhaust, K&N air intake, billet dress up items, new GM transmission, PML valve covers, billet overflow tank. High output alternator and Kinetik 1800 battery.
その他の画像はこちらです To see other pics, click here
Air suspension,
Sunday, January 9, 2011
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